A very gentle beginning.....

2020 baths healing january new year rest sacred time Jan 24, 2020

Hello Beautiful Unicorns!

I have been absent from all social media and newsletters to give myself a very gentle experience of moving through the holidays and into the New Year with a thoughtful approach.  

2019 was pretty epic!!  I moved my mom from Taos, NM to Florida, got married, moved from Florida to Colorado with my husband Michael and adopted our dog Leah.  We went through immigration proceedings and Michael is finally able to work in the US. Whew!!  (for those of you who do not know Michael is from New Zealand)

In January we moved from a one bedroom apartment into a 2 bedroom so that I could have an office again (all this while Michael was navigating the US job market and landing a new job in his career field.)

It has really been like taking giant leaps forward and trying to catch up with all that life is bringing into our experience.  It has all been GREAT!! But, even great changes can be stressful.  

So, this new year of 2020 brings me to some wonderful self care realizations.  First and foremost, I really prefer a more gentle experience.  :D

I have been giving my physical body what it wants which is lots of rest, getting off caffeine and working with various tools (like workbooks and journals) to get more in touch with how I would like this new year to unfold.  (deep slow sigh of relief)

If you have been wondering "What the heck happened to Erika?!"  

Know that despite my gentle approach to this new year I have still been planning some exciting things behind the scenes to create expansive and empowering experiences for my clients and future students this year.  

I am moving back into teaching healing classes- which I am SUPER EXCITED ABOUT!! More importantly, I'm partnering with some incredible people to help me plan and create class experiences that will rock your world!!  :D

By request, I have added Tarot readings to my Services menu AND I most definitely will be back with weekly clearings and readings so I can be a contribution to you and all that you have going on in your journey!

I hope this check-in finds you well, thriving and optimistic about all that Life is ready to deliver this year!!  It has been a bumpy start for many people and with all the astrological intensity I highly recommend being gentle with yourself.  Keep checking in with your body--asking it what it needs from you. 

Keep checking in with your emotional self and don't be afraid of unplugging and creating some sacred time for yourself.  With all that is going on you may feel that people in your life are on a bit of a roller coaster which means your self care needs are more important than ever!!

One of my favorite things have been epsom salt and aromatherapy baths!!  :D

My current fav:

2 cups of epsom salt

2 drops of pachouli oil (fantastic to ground and calm your nerves but use sparingly unless you really LOVE this scent)

5 drops of Bergamot essential oil   (wonderful uplifting anti-depressant properties)


Enjoy and let me know-- what do you LOVE to do to unwind, relax or decompress??


Sending you Love, Light and Magic,



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