Immersed in Creativity

awakening consciousness creativity dark night of the soul miss americana personal evolution taylor swift Feb 08, 2020

Last night my husband and I watched the new Taylor Swift documentary that is now on Netflix.  Have you seen it?  I really didn't know much about Taylor Swift so it was a very eye opening experience.  What really stood out to me was what it could look like to be totally immersed in one's creativity and the experience of coming into the physical body with a deep passionate drive to express oneself.  Seeing how young she was when she started writing her own songs and how her creativity has been so supported by her family was absolutely heartwarming and inspiring.  

The film was also a wonderful exploration into the awakening of her own consciousness and another great example of the stages of transformation one moves through during a "dark night of the soul experience."  

Check it out if you get a chance and let me know what you think!

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